Lets talk about diddy and what is happening to him. As black men we need to watch out how we handle success. Even though there are crimes that he probably did but when you dont watch how you move, they will attack you and its hard to defend when you did something. The one mistake you make will leave the floodgate open to wild accusations that everyone wil beleive cause you have done one thing. Lets talk about it.
Check out the website at www.blackmensmentalhealth.com
Check out our radio station "Black Men's Mental Health Radio" on The Culture Radio Network at www.thecultureradio.com. New episode will be aired on there very monday night at 8pm and then it will post on all podcast outlets the next day on tueaday at 5:30am.
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to keep up with casanova and will his ventures go to www.casanovawilliams.com
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